Chicken, chicken, how to make it more exciting...
Well, everything tastes better with some sort of salty pork product.
And there's got to be some cheese.
And then we've got to mess with the presentation a bit.
Channel your inner cinnamon roll and what do you have?
A roulade (you know it's going to taste good with such a fancy name).
Note: It's extra tasty if you get your spouse to make it.
Chicken Prosciutto Roulade
2 large chicken breasts, bones and skin removed
3-4 slices of prosciutto
a little tomato paste or some chopped sun-dried tomatoes
1/2 c mozzarella, shredded
olive oil
salt and pepper
1. Between two sheets of plastic wrap, pound the chicken breasts flat until they are about 1/4-1/2 inch thick. Season with a little salt and pepper.
2. Spread some tomato paste on the chicken and top with 1 or 2 slices of prosciutto. Sprinkle on the cheese. Drizzle with a bit olive oil and season lightly.
3. Starting with the short end of the chicken, roll up the layers (think cinnamon rolls). Tightly wrap each roll in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour or so to firm everything up.
4. Remove from the fridge and remove plastic wrap. Heat a little butter and olive oil in a skillet over MH heat. Sear the rolls lightly to give it some nice color. Transfer to a baking dish, cover lightly with foil. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Check temp with a meat thermometer.
5. Remove from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes. Carefully slice into 1 inch servings. Drizzle the pan juices over the slices and serve. Try it with some pasta and a salad.
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